Get the chance to be a fly on the wall at the event where 100+ in-house counsel and M&A specialists came together to share, discuss, and explore the current deals market. With seven headlining topics, take a look at the learnings from M&A Day 2024.

Anatomy of a deal: Onfido
A look inside what it’s like to get your business ready for a deal with members of the legal team from Onfido.
“I’m not an M&A lawyer!”
Doing M&A when you’re not actually an M&A lawyer: more common than you think, but is it as tough as you’d expect? All about how to approach M&A when you’re not an M&A lawyer, and top tips on managing relationships with those inside the legal ecosystem and without.

M&A insurance - the “invisible hand” helping deals get done - what you need to know
Vanilla deals are great, but what can you do when a deal goes sideways or you have difficult issues? M&A Insurance has become a firmly established path when it comes to facilitating deals and there’s evidence that claims are increasingly being made and paid. When might M&A insurance be useful for you, and how can you use it?
Getting to closing: competition and other concerns
From dealing with an onslaught of regulatory considerations and competition issues, to understanding what is going on in the global markets and pinpointing where the sticking points can be, we uncovered tips on how to shepherd your deal along from signing to a successful closing.

Anatomy of a deal: Ascential’s predicted $1.4bn sale
Ascential's corporate and commercial team share what it was like to handle the business’s £1.4bn sales of its WGSN & Digital Commerce segments.
AI a due diligence in 2024
Due diligence is typically a large burden for in-house counsel: but how far are we down the path to AI taking that burden away from us? Here's what to expect from due diligence and AI in 2024.

Why am I being sued? Disputes in M&A
Ever wondered what is most likely to get you sued during M&A? Our experts are here to tell you all: from the most common drafting mistakes, to the craziest things they have seen that get sued on - all so that you can avoid finding yourself in this position.